Free GIS Data Sources

Data Gateway – USDA
GeoCommunity Online GIS Data (fee service)
U.S. Bureau of the Census: Cartographic Boundary Files
USGS Digital Maps and Data
USGS–EROS Data Center: GISDATA Map Studio
USGS Geographic data download
USGS Mineral Resources Program Spatial Datasets
USGS List of Digital State Geologic Maps,
USGS Lists of Spatial Data Sets for Water

Western Region Geologic Information Server
Western Region Mineral Resource Program
National Surveys and Analysis-Central Region Products


Alabama Agricultural Statistics Service
Alabama GAP Analysis: Assessing Biodiversity with GIS
Alabama Geological Survey
The Alabama Data Portal
State of Alabama GSA Geological Survey

Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources
Alaska Digital RasterGraphics
Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
Alaska State Geospatial Data Clearinghouse (ASGDC)
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service – Alaska
U.S. Minerals Management Service – Alaska Cadastral Data

Arizona Geographic Information Council
Arizona State Cartographers Office
Arizona NBII – US Geological Suvey – Arixona
Arizona Regional Image Archive
Arizona State Cartographer’s Office
USGS – NPS Vegetation Mapping Program – Arizona

Arkansas GIS Gateway
GeoStor- Arkansas GIS office
Spatial Analysis Laboratory – Univ. of Arkansas, Monticello

California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection, Fire and Resource Assessment Program
California Dept. of Water Resources
California Division of Land Resource Protection
California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (CERES)
California Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program
California Spatial Information Library(CaSIL)
California State Univ., Dept. of Geography, California Geographic Survey
California State Univ., Dept. of Geography: Cartographic Resources
California Watershed Portal: Maps, Data and Tools
Dept. of Water Resources: Land and Water Use
Humbolt State Univ., Institute for Spatial Analysis (ISA)
U.S. Bureau of Land Management

Bureau of Land Management, Colorado
Colorado Agricultural Statistics Service
Colorado’s Decision Support Systems – Water Rights Maps
Colorado Department of Local Affairs
Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment
Colorado Dept. of Transportation – Geographic Data
Colorado Division of Water Resources GIS/Mapping tools
Colorado Division of Wildlife’s Natural Diversity Information Source FTP Server
Colorado Geography: Mapping our Past
Colorado Geological Survey
Colorado Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
Colorado Spatial Reference Network
CORRD: Colorado Renewable Resource Database
Denver Regional Council Of Governments -DRCOG data sets
Federal GIS Coordination Committee of Colorado
Natural Diversity Information Source
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Colorado FTP data site
US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region GIS Data Library

Department of Energy and Environmental Protection GIS Data – CT
University of Connecticut Map and GIS Center

Delaware DataMIL
Delaware Dept. of Transportation (DELDOT)
Delaware Environmental Navigator
Delaware Office of State Planning Coordination
Delaware Spatial Data Clearinghouse
Deleware Geological Survey (DGS) Digital Datasets
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service – Delaware
Univ. of Delaware – Spatial Analysis Lab

District of Columbia
DC GIS Data Clearinghouse/Catalog

Central Florida GIS Data Clearinghouse
Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection
Florida Dept. of Transportation
Florida Geographic Data Library
Florida Natural Areas Inventory
GIS – RS Center Florida International University
Land Boundary Information System
Offshore Energy and Mineral Management (OEEM): Atlantic Cadastral Data

Georgia GIS Data ClearinghouseNOAA Coastal Services Center

Hawaii and Pacific Islands Spatial Data Sets – US Fish and Wildlife
Hawaii Statewide GIS Program

Idaho Department of Water Resources
Idaho Geological Survey

Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data Clearinghouse

A GIS Atlas for Indiana
Indiana Spatial Data Portal

Iowa Cooperative Soil Survey
Iowa Geographic Image Map Server
Iowa Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
Iowa Natural Resources GIS Library
Iowa State University – GIS Data

Kansas Geospatial Community Commons
Kansas GIS Data Access and Support Center (DASC)

Kentucky Office of GIS

ATLAS Louisiana Statewide GIS
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality – GIS

Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems

Maryland Mapping Resource Guide
Maryland Natural Resources Data

Map Junction
Massachusetts Geographic Information System
MIT + MassGIS Orthophoto Project

Michigan Geographic Data

Minnesota Data Clearinghouse Catalog
Minnesota Geographic Data Clearinghouse
Minnesota GIS Data Deli
Minnesota Legislative Offices
Minnesota River Basin Data Center


CARE Map Room
Missouri Spatial Data Information Service Data
Office of Geospatial Information

Montana Census and Economic Maps and GIS Resources
Montana Geographic Information Clearinghouse

Department of Natural Resources: Data Bank
Nebraska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
Nebraska Statewide Digital Data
Rainwater Basin GIS Data

Division of Water Resources
NBMG Data, Imagery & Indexes
Nevada Geographic Coordinate Database (GCDB)
Nevada Statewide Geospatial Data
Southern Nevada GIS – Downloadable GIS Data Sets
Virtual Clearinghouse for Nevada Geographic Information
W.M. Keck Earth Sciences and Mining Research Information Center

New Hampshire
New Hampshire’s Statewide Geographic Information System Clearinghouse (GRANIT)

New Jersey
New Jersey Geographic Information Network
New Jersey Health GIS Data
New Jersey State Planning GIS and Maps
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection GIS Downloads

New Mexico
National Center for Health Statistics
New Mexico Health Care Data and Statistics
New Mexico RGIS Clearinghouse Data

New York
New York City BYTES of the BIG APPLE
New York Spatial Data – US Fish and Wildlife
New York State GIS Clearinghouse
New York City DataMine – Raw & GIS data for NYC

North Carolina
NCSU Libraries Geospatial Data Services
North Carolina Geographic Data Clearinghouse
North Carolina Transportation Data

North Dakota
North Dakota Land Processes Data
North Dakota Maps and Data

Ohio Department of Transportation Maps Page
Ohio GeoData Distribution
Ohio Spatial Data

Center for Spatial Analysis-Data Warehouse
Oklahoma Center for GeoSpatial Information

Downloadable GIS Data from the Map Library
Oregon Earth Science Digital Publications and Datasets
Oregon Geospatial Data and Map Links
Oregon Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
Oregon Natural Resources Information Management Program
Oregon Spatial Data Library
Oregon State Forests GIS Data, Maps and Tools
Oregon Statewide DEM Downloads

Penn State University ERRI/DEP Coverage Download Site
Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access

Rhode Island
Rhode Island Geographic Information System
RIGIS Data Access

South Carolina
South Carolina GIS Data
University of South Carolina GIS Data Server and Clearinghouse

South Dakota
South Dakota Geological Survey Program

Tennessee Spatial Data Server
Tennessee – Statewide Data

GIS Data from the Texas General Land Office
GIS Datasets
Natural Resource Data Search/Download
Texas Natural Resources Information System

GIS Topo Map Instructions
Index of Available GIS Data
SGID and GIS Data
Utah County Shapefile Extractor Tool
Utah DOQs, DRGs, county data sets, web map services, and more.
Utah DRGs and water rights data sets
Utah GIS Portal

VGIS Data Warehouse

Spatial Information Clearinghouse
The GIS Center
Virginia Digital Spatial Data
Virginia Spatial Metadata Clearinghouse

Geospatial Data Descriptions
Gifford Pinchot National Forest GIS
GIS Data – University of Washington Department of Ecology
GIS Data Download Library
Washington Financial Geospatial Data
Washington Health GIS
Washington Natural Resources GIS Data
Washington Revenue GIS Data
Washington State Geospatial Data Archive
Washington Transportation Geospatial Data
Western Region Mineral Resource Program

West Virginia
West Virginia Census State Data Center
West Virginia GIS Data Clearinghouse

Wisconsin Land Information Clearinghouse
WisconsinView Data Portal

University of Wayoming Clearinghouse Data List
University of Wyoming’s Spatial Data and Visualization Center
Digital Geologic Map of Yellowstone National Park
WyGISC Data Server
Wyoming Digital Atlas
Wyoming GeoLibrary
Wyoming GIS Data
Wyoming Spatial Data
Wyoming Spatial Data Clearinghouse
Yellowstone National Park Spatial Analysis Center

UNEP/GRID – United Nations Global Environmental Database

Africa Data Dissemination Service – Administrative, ecological and transportation data
Africa: South of the Sahara – Country/Region data
Africover: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – Land cover and agricultural Data
Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE) – USAID Congo Data
Harvard AfricaMap
Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa – Sociological and Environmental data for South Africa
Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa
SAFARI 2000 – Environmental data for Southern African nations
Statistics South Africa – Government data for South Africa

Antarctic Digital Database
Australian Antarctic Data Centre Data Portal
British Antarctic Survey
USGS Atlas of Antarctic Research

Atlas of South Australia
GeoScience Australia

Asia Pacific Spatial Data Project – Data on most Asian nations

Afghanistan Election Data
Afghanistan Information Management Service

Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
China Data Center –  Maintained by the University of Michigan
China Historical GIS


The Hebrew University of Jerusalem GIS Center
Israel Social Sciences Data Center

Japan GIS/Mapping Sciences Resource Guide

Caspian Environment Programme

Thailand Demographic Data
Townsend Thai Project – University of Chicago

Ukrainian Land and Resource Management Center

United Kingdom:

United Arab Emirates:
Dubai GIS Center
UAE Military Survey Department

North America

Census Geography
Digital Geoscience Maps
GeoGratis – Agricultural, economic, transportation and environmental data
Geomatics Yukon – Environmental data
GEORIA – University of Toronto
MapPlace – Energy and Mining data

Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) – Environmental and Socioeconomic data
Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática – No English translation

Baltic Sea Region GIS, Maps, and Statistical Database – Environmental and Socioeconomic data
Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis – Census data for Ireland and Great Britain
GeoStrategies Digital Data – Romania and Eastern Europe
Great Britain Historical GIS Project – Administrative boundaries, socioeconomic and demographic data
History Data Service – Historical demographic data
UK Marine Renewable Energy Resources – Energy resource future data

South America

Instituto Nacional de Estadistica e Informatica

National Clearinghouse for Geographic Data

Instituto Geografico de Venezuela Simon Bolivar

Thematic and Warehouse:

Criminal Justice Resources Crime Mapping
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
SpatialNews Crime Mapping Links
Uniform Crime Reports County Data

A Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline Database (GSHHS)
Bureau of Ocean Energy Managment, regulation and enforcement – Maps and GIS Data
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center Search Screen
Clean Air Markets – Data and Maps – Managed by the EPA
ECOS – Environmental Conservation Online System
Free Global Orthorectified Landsat Tropical Forest Data via FTP
GAP Analysis – USGIS – Common Species Maping
GIS Data for Maps of Lands Vulnerable to Sea Level Rise
Global Ecosystems Database
Global Terrain Slope and Aspect Data
Harmonized World Soil Database
Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center – USGS
Land Use and Land Cover Data
Marine GIS
Marine Protected Areas of the United States
National Hydrography Dataset – USA hydrology data
National Park Service: GIS Homepage
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL): Dynamic Maps and GIS Data
National Weather Service GIS Data Sets
National Wetlands Inventory Data Download
Natural Resources Conservation Service – Common resource area ecological condition data
National GIS Coverages Used for Mapping the Natural Resources Assessment
NNDC Climate data online
NOAA/NGDC DEM Discovery Portal
NOAA’s NOS Data Explorer
Ocean Biogeographic Information System
SAGE (sustainability and the global environment) maps, Data and Models
SEDAC data – Socioeconomic Data and Application Center
Soil Information for Environmental Modeling and Ecosystem Management
US Department of Agriculture – Natural Resource Conservation Data Gateway
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
USGS Mineral Resource Maps
USGS Water Data for the Nation
Vents Program – NOAA oceanic vent data
Water Resources Maps and GIS Information
Water Resources of the United States
World Data Center for Marine Geology & Geophysics
World Soil Quality Data

Administration on Aging – Statistics on US population aging
Cancer Mortality Maps and Graphs
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Data and Statistics
Center for Disease Control: Wonder – Public health data query system
The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care – Health care treatment data
EPI Info – Center for Disease Control Online GIS
Health Resource and Service Administration Geospatial Data Warehouse
HUD Research Datasets
National Cancer Institute
SAMHSA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics
SEER – Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results – Cancer Mapping and data
ToxMap – Chemicals released in the United States

National Historic Geographic Information System – Data back to 1790 for the US
Paleomap Project – Plate tectonic and oceans changing over billions of years
US Historical County Boundaries – County creation and change information

FCC general mapping Resources
FCC Telecom license GIS
Mass Media Calculated Contours
North American Transportation Atlas Data
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau’s Universal Licensing System Database

Berkeley/Penn Urban and Environmental Modelers Datakit -national data kit
Bureau of Land Management GIS Data sites
Bureau of Transportation Statistics Geographic Information Services
Center for Disease Control: Injuries
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center-USGIS
Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative
Federal Geographic Data Committee National Spatial Data Clearinghouse
GIS Data Depot
GIS Spatial Data Clearinghouse Directory
Global Administrative Areas
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
Israel Social Sciences Data Center – Global Data Clearinghouse
LandScan World Population Database
Land Survey Information System – BLM land system data
Microsoft Research Maps – Topographical, DOQ and Satellite images of the US
NASA Imaging RADAR @ Southport – Global RADAR images from the space shuttle
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) Products and Services – GIS/Data from Intelligence Agencies
National Hurricane Center – Hurricane GIS data
NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service – Oceanic and Coastal GIS Data
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center – Ecological spatial data
Research Maps (R-MAPS) – HUD
Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center
Tropical Rain Forest Information Center
Unidata: UCAR’s site for earth sciences data
United Nations Environment Programme
University of Arkansas Geographic Information Systems and Maps – Lots of local and county data for all 50 states
University of California, Santa Barbara: Alexandria Digital Library – Map and Imagery Laboratory
University of Iowa: Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research – Lots of links to remote sensing data sites
University of Maryland Global Land Cover Facility – Free Landsat images
United States Census Bureau International Statistical Agencies – World-Wide Government Statistics Offices
United States Census Bureau TIGER/Line Data – Census Data
United States Fish and Wildlife Service – Environmental and Conservation Data
United States Geological Survey – National Elevation Dataset – Geographic Information Systems Resource
World Digital Elevation Map
World Wildlife Fund – Environmental Data

Data Warehouses:
Free GIS Data & Imagery GeoBlog

Free online educational resources:
GPS in the Field -A Practical Guide to the Theory and Application of GPS technologies
GIS for Anthropologists

Pay for Data: